My learner profile for this activity: Thinker

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes:

  • Commitment: being committed to their learning, preserving and showing self-discipline and responsibility
  • Creativity: being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemma

My reflection about my Animoto video: I enjoyed making this Animoto video because I liked the whole effect of the music in the background, the way you can edit the slides, and the way you can insert video's. Animoto was really cool since you can put music in the background. It made the slides flow better and that I enjoy. I really appreciated the tool bar that allows you to edit the video. It made my life so much easier since it allowed me to flip the pictures around with out having to go on a completely different program. Last I also liked the way you can insert videos in the Animoto. How cool is that! You can actually insert a video inside a video. Overall I enjoyed this project and I learned a new program that I will maybe use later in life.


Here is my Prezi presentation.

Here is my Google Presentation.

  • Share your thoughts on using Prezi to create a presentation vs using Google Present.

I personally enjoyed Prezi more because it was more upscale then Google Presentations, which made things more interesting. It was hard at times and some confusing since it is very professional and I am still young. But over all it was pretty awesome compared to Google presentations.
  • What did you find challenging when using Prezi?

Moat definitely the formatting! Trying to figure out the color scheme and the text was hard. Another challenging thing about Prezi is their are so many cool things to use and it is hard to decide which one is better.
  • What did you enjoy about Prezi?

I enjoyed that their were more options so I could be more creative. It is fun to mess around with the different tools so it lets me learn more. 
  • What do you prefer, Prezi or Google Presentation? (Explain your answer)

I prefer Prezi because it is more complex and it is more of a challenge. Prezi is better in a lot of ways especially in the animation.
  • Would you use Prezi again?

Yes probably for the exhibition since it is more complex.
  • Share what you thought you did well when using Prezi and 2 to 3 things you can improve on next time.

 I would Improve on my animations because it would have been cooler if I had used the cool things I can do.

My learner profile for this activity: Inquirer,Knowledgeable, Thinkers

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes:

(Chose which ones apply)

  • Commitment: being committed to their learning, preserving and showing self-discipline and responsibility
  • Cooperation: cooperating, collaborating and leading or following as the situation demands
  • Creativity: being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas
Subject: Persuaders

My learner profile for this activity: 

Communicator : Because we had to work together and express to each other our ideas. We also had to use good fluency while making the commercial.

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes:  
  • Commitment: being committed to their learning, preserving and showing self-discipline and responsibility
  • Cooperation: cooperating, collaborating and leading or following as the situation demands

After I finished this project I felt:

Satisfied. After a lot of cooperation and persistence we finished this project. A really hard part of the project was getting the dog to do the commands, especially since he was not trained! In the end we all had a fun time getting to watch the bloopers making us realize what else we could have done.
  1. Do I use specific media for specific purpose?                                                                                         Yes I use the computer for homework and games. I also watch television for entertainment.                                                              

  2. Do I link specific media formats and use to specific relationships?                                                   When I think of Skype I think of talking with my friends and family                                                 
  3. How does my media use relate to stress levels or to specific days of the week?                                      On certain days I have things to do that are not at school like after school activities so on thoose days I may have used less media.
  1. What role does media play in my life?
It plays a big part in communicating and staying connected with friends and being aware of what is happening.

Subject: Roses Are Red

My learner profile for this activity: Thinker and Communicator

In this activity I demonstrated these IB attitudes: 
  • Commitment
  • Confidence
  • Cooperation
  • Empathy
  • Enthusiasm

I am proud of this piece of work because:
    I like the fat that I had a mix of poems in stead of just one type, because that would bore the reader! I choose a mix between haiku, free verse, Limerick, and Octaniam (made up poetry type)! My favorite poem was the 'The Ocean' poem I created that poem actually at the beach so it gave me better inspiration than it would if I were to write at school! I also liked the tennis poem since you probably noticed form the cover page about how much I like tennis. In then tennis poem I thing I really described what tennis is like its sweaty and you have to work hard.

M.J.B Poems on PhotoPeach
She is waiting for me as I come.
Barking so very loud.
Back from school time for some fun.
We go to my porch and stair up at the clouds.
We spot a butterfly as pretty as can be.
Oh my, he runs after it in a flee.
I call him back.
He comes back as quickly as that.